Shock Wave Therapy

Shockwaves are Mechanical Pressure waves that work on tissues. Acoustic Waves are high energy peak used in Shockwave therapy interact with tissue causing overall medical effects of accelerated tissue repair and cell growth, analgesia, and mobility restoration. All the processes mentioned in this section are typically employed simultaneously and are used to treat chronic, sub-acute and acute (advanced users only) conditions. Shock Wave Therapy is widely used to treat musculoskeletal problems. Some of which are listed below.

Originally indicated for non-Invasive disintegration of Kidney Stones, Shock wave Therapy has since also been used successfully in Orthopedics. Its efficacy has been described and confirmed in numerous international studies and reports.

Here are the BENEFITS of the Shock Wave Therapy

  1. It helps in PAIN Relief
  2. It helps to Eliminate Cause of Pain
  3. It Helps in improving Muscle Tone
  4. It helps to Reverse Chronic Inflammation

How Does it Work?

  1. It helps to stimulate Cell Metabolism
  2. It helps in activation of Regeneration
  3. It helps in improvement of muscle atrophy/ hypertrophy
  4. It helps to form new Blood Vessels
  5. It stimulates of Collagen Production
  6. It helps inDissolution of Calcified Fibroblasts
  7. It helps in dispersion of Pain Mediator
  8. Release of Trigger Points


  1. Insertion tendinopathy
  2. Tendon problems
  3. Chronic inflammation
  4. Hypertonic muscle systems
  5. Myofascial syndromes
  6. Hematoma treatments
  7. Myofascial Trigger Points
  8. Calcific Tendonitis of the Shoulder
  9. Impingement of the Shoulder
  10. Tennis Elbow
  11. Golfers Elbow
  12. Trochanteric Bursitis
  13. Achillodynia
  14. Plantar Fascitis
  15. Heel Spurs
  16. Low Back Pain

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    Himja Upadhyay

    HIMJA has achieved a wide spectrum of qualifications and experience related to the physiotherapy profession. She believes in a patient-centred approach, and has developed clinical expertise in Orthopedic, Pelvic as well as Vestibular Physiotherapy. Himja has taken more than 35 courses to mention related to Orthopedic, Vestibular, Pelvic, Acupuncture and Physiotherapy. She has mentored Resident physiotherapists and Physiotherapy students and enjoys the teaching and mentorship opportunities of her profession. She believes in continuous learning process and self-upgradation. Himja has had over 13 years of experience in the field and has successfully treated numerous Lower Back Injuries, Arthritis, Sciatica, Repetitive strain injuries, Pelvic Conditions, Vertigo and Dizziness, Vestibular Problems, Concussions, Motor vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, sports injuries, neuromusculoskeletal injuries, etc. She uses a combination of manual therapy techniques, Spinal Traction, acupuncture techniques, dry needling, taping, cupping, Acupressure, Gua Sha, electrotherapy equipment’s, Shockwave therapy condition specific exercise prescription, etc., to provide an individualized program to achieve goals. She has vast experience with injury prevention, return to work programs and ergonomics, and disability management settings with insurers. On a Personal Note: she loves travelling to new places with her family. She loves to participate in active lifestyle and promoting healthy habits.