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Knee pain is one of the most common symptoms experienced by athletes and non-athletes.Runner’s Knee or PFPS (Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome) is the pain in front of the knees. The patella is moving part; it glides up and down in a groove in the (femur) thigh bone. The pain is caused by pressure between the patella and the groove of the femur. Patellofemoral pain syndrome may be caused by overuse, injury, excess weight, weak/ tight muscles, a kneecap that is not properly aligned or changes under the kneecap.


The main symptom of patellofemoral pain syndrome is knee pain, especially when sitting with the knees bent e.g. watching a movie, squatting, jumping, or using the stairs (especially going down stairs). You may also experience occasional knee buckling, in which the knee suddenly and unexpectedly gives way and does not support your body weight. It is also common to have a catching, popping, or grinding sensation while walking or moving the knee.


  • Muscle imbalances (tight muscles/ weak muscles)
  • Structural differences in female compared to male because they have wider pelvis
  • Patellar gliding/tracking problem
  • Sometimes idiopathic/ unknown cause
  • Improper training
  • Problems with feet
  • Direct trauma to knee

Treatment and Rehabilitation

After an accurate diagnosis is obtained, treatment will vary depending on the severity of knee pain.

A comprehensive rehabilitation program is a critical part in the treatment of any injury. With the guidance of a physical therapist at HELIOS, improving mobility, flexibility and strength of the knee will quicken the recovery time and decrease the risk of re-injury.

Re-training the sensory receptors (called Kinesthetic and Proprioceptive sense) and postural control (balance) are critical components of rehab program.

Prevention of injury is a part of Rehab program. The goal of any treatment program is to improve function without inhibiting your performance.

Please contact HELIOS to get more information about KNEE INJURIES REHABILITATION.